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Veggie Juice Detox!!

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Remember the old adage to eat your greens? Well now thanks to Bubblicity Tea and Juice Bar you can drink your greens!
I’ve attempted juicing before but never stick to it for more than a day as I do find it very time consuming & messy (maybe I’m just not organised enough!)

When I heard about Bubblicity’s 3 day juicing detox and the service they provided I knew I’d like to try it.

This evening 12 freshly prepared juices were delivered to my home. 4 a day..all numbered! Easy! Now the rest is up to me!!

The health benefits of vegetable juices come from the fact that it concentrates the energy of enzymes, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.

It is because vegetable juices have an alkalizing affect on your bloodstream that it helps your body flush away toxic waste that has accumulated over time.

This three day intensive alkaline juice cleanse is designed to feed your body with the vegetable juice in order to naturally get rid of toxins leaving you in a more balanced state. Fruit based drinks tend to have too much sugar, Bubblicity vegetable juices are more alkaline and contain more minerals – this helps break down toxins in the body.

The current juicing trend is taking Hollywood by storm with A-lister’s like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston showcasing the benefits of incorporating juices into their daily routine.

Those who know me will know I’m a total choc aholic and I eat way too much sugar so really I just want to flush out all the rubbish and feel energised.

I’m really excited to start tomorrow morning. I’ll do updates on what juices I’m having and how I’m feeling.

I’m off to have my last cuppa & square of chocolate for a few days!!


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